Liquid or Gas Phase Helium
MATHESON is one of only a handful of global producers and suppliers of helium. We own rights to helium sources in various parts of the world, complemented by a network of transfills. As a result, MATHESON has direct access to resources, and has the capacity to supply helium in any purity; and any container configuration, including bulk quantities in liquid phase or gas phase.
He is chemically inert, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, and generally not toxic. Extremely rare in the atmosphere, extraction from natural gas fields is therefore the origin of supply.
Supply Options
Liquid phase helium can be delivered in large or small liquid vessels, as well as transportable liquid cylinders and high capacity bulk liquid ISO containers. Delivery of liquid cylinders can be scheduled or supplied on-demand.

Gas phase helium can be supplied in high capacity tube trailers and ISO containers, and is also offered in various size cylinders, and in a complete range of gas purity grades. Mixtures are available for specialized applications (examples include welding and laser gas). USP helium is available for medical applications.

MATHESON offers delivery of liquid helium in bulk tanks, MicroBulk, and liquid cylinders. Compressed gas phase helium is available in bulk tube trailers and cylinders of all sizes. Read more>>
Spec Sheets for High Purity Cylinders, Portables and Lecture Bottles
Gases for laboratories up to 99.9999% pure. Cylinders | Portables | Lecture Bottles
Gases for electronics and semiconductors up to 99.9999% pure. Cylinders
USP helium for medical and healthcare. Medical
Pure gas for industrial use. Cylinders
Two-component gas mixtures. Cylinders | Portables
Multicomponent and special applications gas mixtures. Portables
Applications for Helium
Welding Shielding Gas mixtures containing helium. Read more>>
Medical Gas Cylinders – USP grade helium for medical/healthcare. Read more>>
Laser Gas Cylinders for laser applications. Read more>>
For Superconducting Magnets in MRIs and NMRs, liquid phase product delivers the lowest possible cryogenic temperatures.
Special Applications are diverse: breathing air mixtures, cooling of extruded fiber optics, closed-system leak detection, weather balloons, and many more.